Daily Archives: 2011年7月15日

最近的独家厕所读物一直是The Rise & Fall of Communism一书。毕竟本人史盲,未免少见多怪。最近读到的是斯大林早年是靠打劫银行发家的。

Although 1906 and 1907 were considered a relatively quiet time, in comparison with 1905, assassinations of officials by the revolutionaries continued on a large scale. Numerous bank robberies took place, some of them led by Ioseb Djugashvili, in order to pay for the upkeep of the revolutionary movement. This Georgian Bolshevik, who had studied in a religious seminary (until his expulsion from it in 1899), was to become better known as Stalin, the name he began using in late 1912. Lenin himself sanctioned a number of the raids and regarded them as a legitimate part of the struggle with tsarism. As his wife Nadezhda Krupskaya put it: ‘the Bolsheviks thought it permissible to seize tsarist treasure and allowed expropriations’. The Mensheviks, in contrast, were strongly opposed to bank robberies.