


    \[ \delta_i\left(A\right)=\left\{\begin{array}{cc} 1,&x_i\in A\\ 0,&x_i\notin A \end{array} \right.,\quad \mu\left(A\right)=\sum_i\delta_i\left(A\right),\quad\nu\left(A\right)=\sum_i p_i \delta_i\left(A\right) \]

其中 p_1,\cdots,p_n\in\mathbb{R}^+。若是在讨论概率则还需\sum_i p_i=1。虽然\nu\mu绝对连续(可验),但由于\mu不是\sigma-有限的,因此不适用于拉东-尼科迪姆定理以找到满足

    \[\nu\left(A\right)=\int_A \rho d\mu\]

的“密度场”\rho。Truesdell & Toupin的CFT[1]只对连续物质定义了密度,离散质点只有质量,没有体积和密度。在Truesdell & Noll的NFT[2]中这一点更明确。


一个由若干个离散质点的组成的物体既然没有质量密度场,那么它的“连续性方程”是怎样的呢?如何讨论其“质量守恒”律呢?CFT在定义了离散质点的质量后没有再讨论这个问题,而NFT从定义物体质量的时候就明确不考虑离散质点的情况。我在这里给出的意见是:连续性方程只是在需要用连续介质力学时才需要首先列出的。对于离散质点组成的动力学系统,已经可以使用常规经典力学课本中介绍的牛顿力学或拉格朗日力学来刻划。如果非要讨论离散质点体系的连续性方程,那完全不妨引入Irving-Kirkwood-Noll procedure[3],此时所有连续介质的公设仍然成立(see also [4])。

现在我们转而考虑相空间流体由离散点组成时的相密度场问题。本文一开始已经否决了,对若干个离散点是无法定义密度场的,也没有资料讨论这种体系的“连续性方程”。因此,如果一个动力学系统在某种约束下,其所有可取的状态(all admissible states)在相空间是离散的状态点(多于1个),那将无法定义“密度”并讨论其刘维尔方程。问题是,这种情况是否可能?我的推断是不可能。以下是一些不太充份的理由。




2022/10/4补充:在R. Tolman2教材中是这样引入的:

…, it is also to be noted for statistical purposes that we shall wish to use ensembles containing a large enough population of separate members so that the numbers of systems in such different states can be regarded as changing continuously as we pass from the states lying in one region of the phase space to those in another. Hence, for the purposes in view, it is evident that the condition of an ensemble at any time can be regarded as appropriately specified by the density \rho with which representative points are distributed over the phase space.

The quantity \rho is then to be understood as determining the number of systems \delta N, which would be found at time t to have coordinates and momenta lying in any selected infinitesimal range \delta q_1\cdots\delta q_f\delta p_1\cdots\delta p_f, in accordance with the equation

    \[\delta N=\rho\left(q,p,t\right)\delta q_1\cdot\delta q_f\delta p_1\cdots\delta p_f\]

We assume a large enough total population of systems so that \rho and \delta N can be regarded with sufficient approximation as changing continuously as we go from one region in the phase space to another.

By integrating over the whole of phase space, we can write

    \[N=\int\cdots\int\rho\left(q,p,t\right)dq_1\cdots dp_f\]

as an expression for the total number of systems N in the ensemble or phase points in the phase space.

p. 46~47

这段引入字面上是希望当N足够大时,微、积分表达式能作为相空间密度的一种近似。但作者仍然坚持积分后的是“系统的总个数”(total number of systems),是可数的概念。这其实暗示了种用Dirac delta函数来表示离散点密度的方法。如果这么处理,上述的表示就不是一种N很大时的近似,而是对任意N的精确表示。


  1. C. Truesdell, and R. Toupin, "The Classical Field Theories", Principles of Classical Mechanics and Field Theory / Prinzipien der Klassischen Mechanik und Feldtheorie, pp. 226-858, 1960. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-45943-6_2
  2. C. Truesdell, and W. Noll, "The Non-Linear Field Theories of Mechanics", The Non-Linear Field Theories of Mechanics, pp. 1-579, 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-10388-3_1
  3. P. Podio-Guidugli, "On the Mechanical Modeling of Matter, Molecular and Continuum", Journal of Elasticity, vol. 135, pp. 435-456, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10659-018-9709-y
  4. A. DiCarlo, . , P. Podio-Guidugli, and . , "From point particles to body points", Mathematics in Engineering, vol. 4, pp. 1-29, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.3934/mine.2022007