

我作为广州人(i.e. 蝗虫一枚)也感到震精了的是大小便直接拉到城市建筑和设施的公共用地上(如地铁列车上,商场地上等)的行为。因为我在广州没有见过——一次都没有。就算是在旅游景点,我能理解的也只能是自然景点(例如山上)找地方解决,而不是在人要走的路上或者人文建筑的地方解决,也没见过有这样的,顶多也就是小便在建筑物背后角落。


我在Quora上参与问题What kind of common sense do people who live in China lack?时讲了这么一段话,也许可以稍微中和一下:

It is fine to split, urinate, or defecate on the ground in the villages in China. In fact you have to if you visit one because there are either no toilet or because the “toilet” is merely a permanent concentration of defecation with no sewer, so disgusting that you will prefer the ox’s way — shit anywhere you happen to be whenever you need to. As the cities have been very modernized in the hardware, there is still a large area of villages in the rest of the country, from which migration workers come who for the first time cope with the cities’ “correct manners”. To fine them for their misbehaviors is unkind. To educate them is useless because they live and work in the city only temporarily. The only way is to tolerate it and constantly increase the percent of urbanization and modernization of the villages area. People can only learn the right manner long after the environment shows they really need to.
