Day: September 12, 2005

  • Heifetz Plays Gershwin

    听Heifetz Plays Gershwin,感受这位风格有如英勇战士的演奏家柔情的另一面。 Gershwin的钢琴作品比较闻名,但未见有小提琴作品。这张专辑是Heifetz从Gershwin作品改编的小提琴小品。其技术要求自然是不低的,但更引人入胜的是浪漫不羁Jazz风格,双音、大胆的滑弦不绝于耳。关于这几个改编作品的来历,请看以下引文: In the roaring 1920s, George Gershwin, then a sleek young Broadway songwriter, was invited to the swellest New York parties. To the delight of his hosts, he’d head straight for the piano and play his songs for hours. Sometimes he’d look up and see another frequent guest, Jascha Heifetz, the stunning…