C. Truesdell文章选段赏读(一)

The ancient Greek philosophers speculated whether matter were an assembly of tiny, invisible, and immutable particles, or a continuous expanse. As the quantitative, mathematical science of the West developed, the debate continued but became more and more definite and detailed. The great theorists proposed specific mathematical theories, restricted to certain specific kinds and circumstances of bodies, for example, to “aeriform fluids” subject to moderate pressures.


第一句:虽说只是要求英译中,但其实有些英语本身的一些现象我也会提示一下。第一句我们看到matter作“物质”解应是一个不可数名词用单数,但后面却跟were,这里实其实用了虚拟语气。跟suggest, propose之类的动词后的宾语从句类似spectulate后面的这个宾语从句也用了虚拟语气。再加上主句是过去时态从句要跟随因此作为be的虚拟语气过去时态就是were。


在这一段的第二句和第三句之间,其实应该插一个类似therefore之类的连词。第二句是接着第一句说,在物质组成问题上这个争论越来越明确和细化,其实这是在说当时的人物质细分的道路上越走越远了。第三句则是说人们为不同的物体在不同的条件下提出了不同的特定理论,例如aeriform fluids这种理论模型就是只适用于中等大小的压力条件的。为什么这句接在上一句之后呢?这第三句本身是还在讲物质细分吗?不是了,这句话其实是在说我们对宏观的事物只能具体问题具体分析。这其实就是因为我们对物质基本组成的认识太细,非要一切都从最小组成开始建立一个统一的还原论理论太难了。所以第三句其实是第二句所述的情况造成的后果。原文没有使用一个连词,但翻译的时候把这层关系也翻出来会比较顺一些。

第二句中的definite and detailed是个押韵。

Until the first decades of this century it seemed possible that one or another theory would turn out to be the final one, the one that would explain everything about matter and thus be universally accepted as “correct”, while all competitors would be defeated. Far from being borne out, this hope now seems childish. Our picture of nature has become less naive. While in the nineteenth century more and more aspects of the sensible world were shown to be mere appearances, mere “applications” of a few fundamental “laws” of physics or biology, the recent enormous production of experimental data has undeceived us of our former simplisms. The line between the living and the inanimate has been blurred if not erased. Within the once indivisible atoms has been found an ever growing host of mysterious “elementary particles” whose nature and function are scarcely clearer than those of dryads and familiar spirits.

这段有六句话。第一句之所以长是有个the one的同位语从句。从同学们的反馈来看不难理解正确。第二句的Far from being borne out是省略了共同主语,谁being borne out呢?是后面的hope。bear out是指support的意思。Far from可以约等于否定。所以这句表达了一个转折,因此翻译要用中文的转折修辞,大概是“这一希望非但没有得到事实的支持,反而xxx”。

第三句很多同学译不对。While打头,说明这个句子有个转折关系。While带出的是一个意思,后面一定还有另一个相反的意思,而且要强调的是后面那个意思。我们找一找就知道,转折是从“the recent enormous…”开始的。先理解好这一部分,要注意our former simplisms是指哪些?应该就是前面While带出来的那些认识了吧。undeceive sb. of sth. = free sb. from the deception/illusion/error of sth.。因此整句话用的翻译要套一个转折,大至像“虽然19世纪xxx,但最近的大量实验结果把我们从上述的这些简单想法的迷思中带了出来”。注意这里的simplisms是复型,不作“主义”解,而作“想法”解。

第四句和第五句,其实就是进一步举出到底是哪些“大量实验事实”把我们“从简单想法”中带了出来。第四句是“生命与非生命之间的界线更模糊了”。这是什么实验事实呢?其实就是生命的化学基础,代表性的就是DNA分子结构的提出和证实。第五句是“在原子内部发现了大量更小的基本粒子”。中的scarcely clearer than xxx,其实就是no clearer than,因为scarcely跟hardly类似是表否定的。因此意思不是有哪更清楚,而是二者都一样不清楚,或说A也不比B清楚多少。注意到这一句打头用了个倒桩,不过这个难不倒机翻,就不说了。