


今天看到Nature的一个增刊Naturejobs Career Guide Asia-Pacific,这是给Nature的全球读者推荐亚太地区工作机会的增刊,里面有中国这一章。其中的Box 2专访了了另一位在中国定居从事科研工作的外国人,恰好也是德国人。里面有些访问题目非常“到位”:

How did your family react to your move?

How does your daily life contrast with living in the West?

What misconceptions do Westerners have about working as a scientist in China?


实际上我觉得这篇访谈里的教授回答未免太乐观了。我从我深圳大学的教授中听到的都是我们意料之中的对各种中国特色的抱怨。我们长期在中国生存和工作的人,其实并不是麻木不仁,很多问题反而认识地比那些其他国家和地区的人的批评更深刻。听到这位教授的报怨,我们都会尽可能给出本土智慧(无论是如何看开看淡的大智慧,还是如何灵活应对的小智慧)。但这位教授说了一句话:I can handle it, but I don’t appreciate it.也就是说,他完全有这样的智慧。当然,多少中国特色的ridiculous之处过于微妙,无法摆上台面讨论。因此Nature上的这篇访谈当然也不会谈得很深入,只有一些十分明显和简单的困难被说出来了(见后文引用)。而仅是这一个困难,就已经十分麻烦了,更何况更多说不出的烦恼。所以,听说任何一个外国人竟然在中国定居工作,都让我很诧异。

Does the language barrier affect your working life?

At work Chinese – in principle – is not required. All faculty members of our college studied and worked abroad for some time and can speak English very well. All the teaching is supposed to be done in English. However, as all the students are Chinese, some of the professors switch to Chinese in their lectures. The communication with some of the students in my research group is a little difficult and they are de facto supervised by the Chinese associate professor in our group. The biggest problems are the written regulations and announcements. I get great help, but it is impossible for staff to translate all the documents for me, so they have to decide what is important. Sometimes their guesses are wrong, or reflect their opinion. Another problem is that most of the grant proposals have to be written in Chinese and consequently my proposals have to be translated, which does not enhance their quality.